To occupy an independent living unit residents agree to pay the agreed entry contribution (purchase price) to Hillview Bunyip Aged Care – Retirement Village. This allows residents to occupy one of our units and use the village facilities. There is also a monthly Maintenance charge used towards costs of: staff, general insurances, repairs and maintenance of community facilities, maintenance and repairs to the units, communal gardens and grounds upkeep, as well as council and water rates.
Residents are responsible for all gas, electricity, phone expenses and internet, water usage (where metered separately) as well as any contents insurance for personal belongings.
Most retirement villages use a DMF (deferred management fee or exit fee) to reduce the purchase price and allow residents to pay the fee when they leave. This means that residents can use their savings while living in the village, and enjoy a better lifestyle. At Hillview, we take a fairer approach with the payment evenly spread over 5 years. Prior to entry we ask that a contract is signed outlining all the terms and conditions of living in the Retirement Village. Residents are free to leave the Village at any time and we ask that they put this in writing so that we can start the process to advertise the unit and find a new buyer. External Real Estate agents can be engaged to sell the unit on their behalf.
Hillview has a range of accommodation choices. Standard room amenities are available in all rooms unless otherwise noted. All services listed below are available as standard at Hillview.
Electric height adjustable bed
Easy self-adjustable window coverings
Built in Wardrobe with hanging space and shelves
Lockable bedside cupboard
Air Conditioner
Flat TV
Raised Garden Bed
Dietician & Allied Health Services
Meals Prepared on-site qualified chef